Getting Custom Materials to the GUI


i have created new Property Groups and Properties with the Material Interface.

Working with the Command Line in Cubit works as intendet. But i don’t find a clue how to get the GUI updated so that it also shows my implemented custom materials data. I only found in the bin/xml/material the MaterialDisplayInfo.xml but when i add new groups or properties nothing changes.

Is there a method i can call, so that the GUI (or at Least the Widgets in the Command Panel) loads the current Groups and Properties from the MaterialInterface again? It would be a pity to write a new Materialmanagement when it is already there but not up to date.



I’m looking into this, but I don’t have a definitive answer. You are right. There should be a way to attach the materials to the existing Materials GUI in the Model Tree. I will keep looking.


The material property groups don’t get displayed in the model tree. The model tree only shows the material instances. The material group and properties show up when creating or modifying a material.

The material management command panels are located in the “Analysis Groups and Materials” → “Material/Media” panel. From there you can choose either create or modify materials. On either panel is a drop down next to the “Property Group” label that has a list of the loaded material groups. Your material should show up there. When you select your material group, you should see your material properties in the table below.

That’s the problem. The material groups loaded doesn’t display the custom material which was created via the MaterialInterface. The Group Properties are also not shown.

When i create a Material with my custom property group it will be shown in the model tree. The property page widget doesn’t display the property group name and the property name but i can modify my properties via the property page. The widget to change the values does show the property name and descriptions.

The command panels widgets are unaware of my groups and properties but i can select my material at least.