I have the following snippet in a custom export file that I have written to export VTK files for the deal.II library
sideset_ids = cubit.get_sideset_id_list()
for sideset_id in sideset_ids:
curves = cubit.get_sideset_curves(sideset_id)
for curve in curves:
edges = get_curve_edges(curve)
Unfortunatly the above code returns an empty list of edges, indepdently on what I pass to it.
I worked around it by using the following:
sideset_ids = cubit.get_sideset_id_list()
for sideset_id in sideset_ids:
group_id = cubit.get_id_from_name("temp_edges")
if group_id != 0:
cubit.silent_cmd("delete group " + str(group_id))
"group 'temp_edges' add edge all in curve " + str(curve))
group_id = cubit.get_id_from_name("temp_edges")
edges = cubit.get_group_edges(group_id)
which works, but seems a little bit of a hack.
Is there a reason why the first code does not produce the expected output?