Hello, I have been using Cubit for a while and don’t understand that some of my meshes I can export to DAGMC but some just give me the command,
WARNING: export cf_dagmc is deprecated in favor of export dagmc. export cf_dagmc will be removed in the next release.
ERROR: Command Failed.
Finished Command: undo group end
This is weird because I’ve gotten this issue while trying to export a simple test mesh by creating a sphere meshing it and then trying to export. I have attached a copy of the model this is happening on.
Hi @thallam so there are a number of issues with your geometry; so I’ll go through these one by one;
so it looks like you have overlaps in this geometry, volume 6 overlaps with all the other volumes (as shown in overlap checking capability of Cubit (PowerTools → Analyze)
It may be the case that these overlaps are due to not imprinting and merging, did you remember to imprint and merge?
I deleted your mesh, imprinted and merged, and then faceted using the current Coreform Cubit instructions (Coreform - tutorial_1) and that didnt work, volume 6 looks to be the culprit - recommend rebuilding volume 6, rescaling or something to avoid the overlap
Thank you @makeclean, I was able to rebuild vol 6 and remeshed and it fixed the issue. I don’t know why it was an issue but must’ve been something from the importing from solid works. Also, thank you for pointing out the power tools since I forgot that existed.