Error when trying to load cubit file (Problem with Acis version)

Hi @karl,

Just wanted to report the results from testing with the development version ( Coreform-Cubit-2021.10-rc+20708_39151fb8-Lin64.rpm )

Unfortunately, the error still persists. There is an improvement that I am able to save the file as .cub5 without Cubit closing and crashing.

The error occurs when I try to load the geometry back to my projects. What I do is: 1) Close Coreform Cubit, then open it again and try to load the previously saved .cub or, in this case, the .cub5 file. The exact error message that I get is below.

I sent to the exact journal file that I used to create the .cub file as well as all the input surfaces. To reproduce this error, perform the following steps:

  1. Install docker container on Ubuntu 18.05
  2. Download and build the Coreform development version ( Coreform-Cubit-2021.10-rc+20708_39151fb8-Lin64.rpm )
  3. Inside the docker, run the script which will create the .cub file
  4. Using save as, save the project as .cub5 version as well
  5. Close cubit, and then try to open the .cub file or the .cub5. You should then see the above error message.

Let me know if you need any additional information from my end.


Hi @karl,

Just wanted to follow up on this. Let me know if you need anything from my end.


Hi Josimar,

I will try running your exact script. I probably won’t install a docker image. My windows box is running low on disk space. It is frustrating, because I see the problem when I look at your .cub5 file. But I can’t generate a .cub5 file with the problem.


Dear @karl,

Just wanted to check if you have any updates on this. If I understand correctly, you can’t reproduce the error using the exact scripts that I sent you?

Let me know if there is anything that I can do to help.


Hi Josimar,

I can not replicate your problem while running your scripts. I see the problem when I look at the cub files you generate, but I cannot create my own. I will spend a little more time today looking at this.


Hi @karl,

I am still working on this problem. I would like to know your thoughts regarding the following ideas:

  1. I noticed that after saving the cubit session as .cub5 before imprint all, I can then open the session normally. However, if I save it after imprint all I cannot open the session (see the error message above, in the previous discussion). Would it be possible that the imprint process is corrupting the Acis geometry and causing the error that I observe?

  2. Instead of imprint all, would you recommend me using imprint only for specific surfaces that I know are at the interface between volumes? Would imprint tolerant help?


Hi Josimar,

I think what is happening is that the imprint creates many new very complex curves and surfaces. The size of the ACIS file increases with the number of entities. For some reason on your system, you fail to write the large ACIS file into the cub file.

What is the difference in file size between an exported ACIS file before and after the imprint?


Hi @karl,

Thanks for the reply. The difference in size is around ~3 to 4 Gb. Before imprint typical size of the model geometry is ~4-5 Gb. After imprint the size decreases to 1 - 2 Gb. These sizes correspond to the .cub5 and .cub formats.

Note that if I save the model in ACIS format (.sat) after imprint I have a file with size of ~5 Gb.

Is there a away to test your hypothesis that my system might be preventing me to write the ACIS file after the imprint?

Would it help if I send you my environmental variables?

Let me know what I can do to help.


Hi Josimar,

You previously did an export acis after imprint. Can you compare that file with an export acis before doing the imprint?


Hi @karl,

I regenerate the model and here are the results.

The exact command lines that I run were:

## Exporting Acis geometry before imprint
cubit.cmd("export acis './CoreformCubit/ModelGeometry_BeforeImprint_{}.sat' ascii overwrite".format(modelNumber))

cubit.cmd("imprint all")

## Exporting Acis geometry after imprint
cubit.cmd("export acis './CoreformCubit/ModelGeometry_AfterImprint_{}.sat' ascii overwrite".format(modelNumber))

Here are the results:

  1. Before imprinting, the .sat file has 3.8 Gb
  2. After imprinting, the .sat file has 5.9 Gb

What do you think about these results?


Hi Josimar,

That is what I expected. The file is significantly larger after imprinting. I have asked my IT people if they have any ideas about what could be causing this on your environment. Hopefully, they have some directions to try.
