DAGMC packaged with Coreform Cubit 2023.8

DAGMC, the plugin that allows users to perform Monte Carlo radiation transport directly on CAD models, is now packaged with Coreform Cubit, beginning with Coreform Cubit 2023.8. To load the plugin:

Windows and Linux

Add the bin/plugins directory via the GUI, then to restart.


Use the dropdown menu: Tools, then select PluginsAdd. Next, in Finder, navigate to /Applications/Coreform-Cubit-2023.8.app/Contents/lib/plugins. Drag the plugins folder from the finder and drop it in the Cubit window. Once you restart Cubit, DAGMC will be loaded. You can confirm this by typing help dagmc in the command line.

We are now moving forward to improving the DAGMC workflow and improving the documentation. Any feedback welcomed!