Hi Scot, I have attached the output below.
C:\Program Files\Coreform Cubit 2020.2\bin>set CUBIT_VERBOSE=5
C:\Program Files\Coreform Cubit 2020.2\bin>coreform_cubit.com
[2021-02-23 14:50:50.521] [app_logger] [info] Using gui
[2021-02-23 14:50:50.694] [app_logger] [error] Could not find ARB attribs
[2021-02-23 14:50:50.696] [app_logger] [info] Trying OpenGL fallback
[2021-02-23 14:50:50.855] [info] RLM session initialized
[2021-02-23 14:50:50.856] [app_logger] [debug] RLM Diagnostics at 02/23/2021 14:
RLM version: 14.1BL3
RLM platform: x64_w4
OS version: 6.2
ISV name: csimsoft
Hostname: BETA
User: dmholler
Working directory: C:\Program Files\Coreform Cubit 2020.2\bin
RLM_LICENSE=<not set>
RLM_NO_UNLIMIT=<not set>
RLM_PROJECT=<not set>
RLM_QUEUE=<not set>
RLM_ROAM=<not set>
RLMSTAT=<not set>
HTTP_PROXY=<not set>
csimsoft_LICENSE=<not set>
RLM hostid list:
30eef89c uuid=47513848-0036-2500-905C-0025905CE34E disksn=0026fc7a909052
92e100c60b20084030 disksn=00c3a88a90905292e100c60b20084030 0025905ce350 0025905c
e34e 0025905ce34f 0025905ce351 f4521444f671 0a0027000012 ip= ip=10.7
License files:
C:/Program Files/Coreform Cubit 2020.2/bin/licenses\cubit-learn.lic
rlm_init() parameters:
1: C:/Program Files/Coreform Cubit 2020.2/bin/licenses
2: C:/Program Files/Coreform Cubit 2020.2/bin/coreform_cubit.com
Local licenses which can be checked out:
Client Cached Licenses (only the highest version # shown):
In license file C:\ProgramData\Reprise\csimsoft
(no server)
In license file C:/Program Files/Coreform Cubit 2020.2/bin/licenses\cubit-le
(customer “cubitlearn1” server at: 443@ls75.rlmcloud.com)
Roaming Licenses:
[2021-02-23 14:50:51.417] [app_logger] [debug] Pushing fid: 1, trelis
[2021-02-23 14:50:51.417] [app_logger] [debug] Pushing fid: 4, trelis_core
[2021-02-23 14:50:51.418] [app_logger] [debug] Pushing fid: 2, trelis_fea
[2021-02-23 14:50:51.420] [app_logger] [debug] Pushing fid: 3, trelis_cfd
[2021-02-23 14:50:51.927] [app_logger] [debug] Feature trelis status: 0
[2021-02-23 14:50:52.430] [app_logger] [debug] Feature trelis_core status: 0
[2021-02-23 14:50:53.210] [app_logger] [debug] Feature trelis_fea status: 0
[2021-02-23 14:50:53.731] [app_logger] [debug] Feature trelis_cfd status: 0
[2021-02-23 14:50:53.731] [app_logger] [debug] has_feature: feature_id = 1
[2021-02-23 14:50:53.733] [app_logger] [debug] has_feature: feature_data->valid
= 0
[2021-02-23 14:50:53.734] [app_logger] [debug] has_feature: feature_id = 4
[2021-02-23 14:50:53.735] [app_logger] [debug] has_feature: feature_data->valid
= 0
[2021-02-23 14:50:53.737] [app_logger] [debug] has_feature: feature_id = 2
[2021-02-23 14:50:53.738] [app_logger] [debug] has_feature: feature_data->valid
= 0
[2021-02-23 14:50:53.740] [app_logger] [debug] has_feature: feature_id = 1
[2021-02-23 14:50:53.741] [app_logger] [debug] has_feature: feature_data->valid
= 0
[2021-02-23 14:50:53.743] [app_logger] [debug] has_feature: feature_id = 4
[2021-02-23 14:50:53.744] [app_logger] [debug] has_feature: feature_data->valid
= 0
[2021-02-23 14:50:53.745] [app_logger] [debug] has_feature: feature_id = 2
[2021-02-23 14:50:53.746] [app_logger] [debug] has_feature: feature_data->valid
= 0
[2021-02-23 14:50:53.756] [app_logger] [info] Logged in
[2021-02-23 14:50:53.764] [app_logger] [info] Python version 0 selected
[2021-02-23 14:50:53.766] [app_logger] [info] Looking for Python
[2021-02-23 14:50:53.766] [app_logger] [info] Python version 2 libname is C:\Pro
gram Files\Coreform Cubit 2020.2\bin\python2\cubit_python2.dll
[2021-02-23 14:50:53.771] [app_logger] [info] Python not already initialized, in
[2021-02-23 14:50:53.772] [app_logger] [info] Setting program name to coreform_c
[2021-02-23 14:50:53.773] [app_logger] [info] Application directory is C:\Progra
m Files\Coreform Cubit 2020.2\bin
[2021-02-23 14:50:53.775] [app_logger] [info] python_lib path: C:\Program Files
Coreform Cubit 2020.2\bin\python27.dll
[2021-02-23 14:50:53.776] [app_logger] [info] python_dir: C:\Program Files\Coref
orm Cubit 2020.2\bin
[2021-02-23 14:50:53.787] [app_logger] [info] Found embedded python
[2021-02-23 14:50:53.788] [app_logger] [info] PYTHONHOME set to C:\Program Files
\Coreform Cubit 2020.2\bin\python2
[2021-02-23 14:50:53.841] [app_logger] [info] Version 2 interpreter found
[2021-02-23 14:50:53.845] [app_logger] [info] Cubit python initialized
[2021-02-23 14:50:53.846] [app_logger] [info] Starting broker
[2021-02-23 14:50:53.847] [app_logger] [info] Passing control to MachineControl
[2021-02-23 14:50:53.865] [app_logger] [debug] Dealer::restore_settings: loading
QSettings from : C:/Users/dmholler/AppData/Roaming/Coreform/Cubit.ini
[2021-02-23 14:50:53.867] [app_logger] [debug] Supervisor::Impl::load_plugins: L
oading plugins from QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath : C:/Program Files/Core
form Cubit 2020.2/bin
[2021-02-23 14:50:53.868] [app_logger] [info] Loading plugin from path C:/Progra
m Files/Coreform Cubit 2020.2/bin
[2021-02-23 14:50:53.873] [app_logger] [info] Attempting to load: cubitcomp.ccl
[2021-02-23 14:50:53.873] [app_logger] [debug] ClaroPlugin::load: loading: C:\Pr
ogram Files\Coreform Cubit 2020.2\bin\cubitcomp.ccl
[2021-02-23 14:50:54.058] [app_logger] [info] Supervisor::Impl::load_plugins: Lo
aded component: cubitcomp.ccl
Supervisor::Impl::load_plugins: Loaded component: cubitcomp.ccl
[2021-02-23 14:50:54.060] [app_logger] [debug] Registering plugin components
[2021-02-23 14:50:54.061] [app_logger] [info] Attempting to load: cubitcompgui.c
[2021-02-23 14:50:54.061] [app_logger] [debug] ClaroPlugin::load: loading: C:\Pr
ogram Files\Coreform Cubit 2020.2\bin\cubitcompgui.ccg
[2021-02-23 14:50:54.070] [app_logger] [info] Supervisor::Impl::load_plugins: Lo
aded component: cubitcompgui.ccg
Supervisor::Impl::load_plugins: Loaded component: cubitcompgui.ccg
[2021-02-23 14:50:54.072] [app_logger] [debug] Registering plugin components
[2021-02-23 14:50:54.604] [app_logger] [debug] Pushing fid: 1, trelis
[2021-02-23 14:50:54.605] [app_logger] [debug] Pushing fid: 4, trelis_core
[2021-02-23 14:50:54.605] [app_logger] [debug] Pushing fid: 2, trelis_fea
[2021-02-23 14:50:54.606] [app_logger] [debug] Pushing fid: 3, trelis_cfd
[2021-02-23 14:50:54.606] [app_logger] [debug] has_feature: feature_id = 4
[2021-02-23 14:50:54.607] [app_logger] [debug] has_feature: feature_data->valid
= 0
[2021-02-23 14:50:55.584] [app_logger] [debug] has_feature: feature_id = 3
[2021-02-23 14:50:55.585] [app_logger] [debug] has_feature: feature_data->valid
= 0
[2021-02-23 14:50:55.586] [app_logger] [debug] has_feature: feature_id = 2
[2021-02-23 14:50:55.586] [app_logger] [debug] has_feature: feature_data->valid
= 0
[2021-02-23 14:50:55.644] [error] Could not find ARB attribs