Creating volumes from facet-based surfaces

I have a facet-based topographic surface in STL and EXODUS II format. I would like to add a 3rd dimension (i.e. depth) to it, that is I want the topography to be the top surface of a volume. The volume should be meshable. Is this possible?

Many thanks,


We understand that getting real geometry isn’t always possible. Facet-based geometry can be tricky in Trelis, because we haven’t fully implemented things like cutting and Boolean operations in stl or mesh-based geometry. If you could export the surface to something like STEP, we would have some options, like creating a bounding box around the top surface, copying the bottom of the box and moving it the desired distance from the top surface, then sweeping or lofting to create the volume. I’ve tried doing what you are wanting to do, but haven’t found a good solution. I’ve reached out to the developers.