I would like to know what the criterion of cubit/trelis for the creation of surfaces from vertices is. The error message I am referring to is:
ERROR: ACIS API error number 90015
ACIS API message = A face with NULL geometry created
WARNING: >>>WARNING:Surface creation was unsuccessful.<<<
the surface which i like to create is created by vertices with the following command:
create vertex 1.1874 1.37831 1.00748
create vertex 1.01731 1.12903 1.55853
create vertex 0.39183 0.34683 1.30847
create vertex 0.33698 0.29993 0.91935
create vertex 0.6473 0.69346 0.952
create surface vertex 1 2 3 4 5
where vertex 5 is a colinear vertex between vertex 1 and vertex 4. I need this coplanar vertex because I lateron would like to create volumes with different (subdivided) surfaces. Adjacent faces to subdivided faces will have one colinear vertice within the face definition. If i do not use this point the surface gets created (create surface vertex 1 2 3 4). If I include this point the above mentioned error message occurs. I am wondering what this error message states and why exactly it appears?
In general cubit seems to be very flexible during the creation of surfaces but somehow it seems to have problems with some (nearly!?) colinear points.
I am using cubit 13.2.
Best wishes