Create decomposed volume with sweeping


My objective is to create the geometry as shown in this figure. Basically the region 2 is created by sweeping a circle along a curve. The region 1 and 2 are separated by the sweeping surface and they should be conforming. Any hint that could be done?


Hi vryy! Welcome to the forum.

This is a little more difficult than I would like it to be. This is because the webcut sweep along curve command can not extrapolate beyond the end of the curve. You must create a create a curve that extends beyond the bounds of the volume on one side. The outline of the process is:

  1. Create a circular surface and move it to the desired start location.
  2. Create vertices along the spline including one point beyond the terminating surface to allow complete penetration of the webcut.
  3. Webcut the volume with the sweep surface along curve option

Here is my solution using the create tangent curve in the just released 2021.11 version.

brick x 10 y 10 z 6

# create the construction entites. The placement of the entities was an arbitrary decision.
create surface circle radius 1 yplane 
body  1 move y -5
body 2 copy move y -10
create curve tangent vertex 9 10  start direction 0 -1 .5 end direction 0 -1 -.5
Vertex 10  copy move x 0 y -1  z -.5 
create vertex on curve 15  segment 4 
create curve spline location vertex 11 14 15 16 12 13  delete 
delete curve 15

webcut volume 1 sweep surface 7  along curve 16  preview 
webcut volume 1 sweep surface 7  along curve 16 

# ensure that all entities are connected
imprint all
merge all

# create a default mesh just to make sure it works
mesh volume all


Thanks Karl, this procedure works for me.