Coreform Cubit not launching in Linux

I am trying to use coreform cubit in ubuntu. Downloaded version 2021.4 from Coreform Product Downloads. On running the executable, i do not see the GUI firing up while displaying the message “[2023-03-08 15:07:52.756] [info] RLM session initialized”. The execution just hangs there and does not proceed. Wanted to know from you whether this has something to do with the display settings associated with a typical linux environment.
Any help here would be appreciated.
Kind regards,

Let’s make sure that this is a GUI error by running ./coreform_cubit -nog -prompt Cubit from the command line. This should load you up into a Cubit prompt without the graphical user interface.
Also, are you able to use a more recent version of Coreform Cubit? What version of Ubuntu are you using?

Hi Scot,
This took me to the cubit prompt although with couple of errors.

Error loading component:

Error loading component:


I could use a recent version of Coreform cubit, if you really want me to do so. I had cubit (2021.4) functional in one of the cluster that i am working and so i stuck with the same version.
I am using an ubuntu version 22.04.1 LTS

When i just type ./coreform_cubit, i get the following errors.
abalasub@K1066:~/Working/Cubit/Coreform-Cubit-2021.4/bin$ ./coreform_cubit
[2023-03-08 16:52:41.771] [info] RLM session initialized
Error loading component:

Error loading component:

Error loading component:

Error loading component:

Error loading component:
Probably i am missing something here.
Kind regards,

OK, so we’ve got something else going on beyond the GUI environment. Let’s do this again with the environment variable CUBIT_VERBOSE=5 set, like so:

./coreform_cubit -nog -prompt Cubit

Please report the expanded output.

Hi Scott,
Here is the expanded output.

abalasub@K1066:~/Working/Cubit/Coreform-Cubit-2021.4/bin$ export CUBIT_VERBOSE=5
abalasub@K1066:~/Working/Cubit/Coreform-Cubit-2021.4/bin$ ./coreform_cubit -nog -prompt Cubit
[2023-03-08 17:33:42.939] [info] RLM session initialized
[2023-03-08 17:33:42.939] [app_logger] [debug] RLM Diagnostics at 03/08/2023 17:33

RLM version: 14.1BL3
RLM platform: x64_l1
OS version:

ISV name: csimsoft
Hostname: K1066
User: abalasub
Working directory: /home/abalasub/Working/Cubit/Coreform-Cubit-2021.4/bin


    RLM_LICENSE=<not set>
    RLM_NO_UNLIMIT=<not set>
    RLM_PATH_RANDOMIZE=<not set>
    RLM_PROJECT=<not set>
    RLM_QUEUE=<not set>
    RLM_ROAM=<not set>
    RLMSTAT=<not set>
    HTTP_PROXY=<not set>
    csimsoft_LICENSE=<not set>

RLM hostid list:

    7f0101 dacc71218440 000000008440 000000008440 00155dc689b0 0242fad9fa37 ip= ip=

License files:

rlm_init() parameters:
1: /home/abalasub/Working/Cubit/Coreform-Cubit-2021.4/bin/licenses
2: /home/abalasub/Working/Cubit/Coreform-Cubit-2021.4/bin/coreform_cubit

Local licenses which can be checked out:

Client Cached Licenses (only the highest version # shown):


In license file /home/abalasub/Working/Cubit/Coreform-Cubit-2021.4/bin/
      (customer "ukaea" server at:


Roaming Licenses:


[2023-03-08 17:33:43.400] [app_logger] [debug] Pushing fid: 1, trelis
[2023-03-08 17:33:43.400] [app_logger] [debug] Pushing fid: 4, trelis_core
[2023-03-08 17:33:43.400] [app_logger] [debug] Pushing fid: 2, trelis_fea
[2023-03-08 17:33:43.400] [app_logger] [debug] Pushing fid: 3, trelis_cfd
[2023-03-08 17:33:44.236] [app_logger] [debug] Feature trelis status: 0
[2023-03-08 17:33:44.537] [app_logger] [debug] Feature trelis_core status: 0
[2023-03-08 17:33:44.694] [app_logger] [debug] Feature trelis_fea status: 0
[2023-03-08 17:33:44.844] [app_logger] [debug] Feature trelis_cfd status: 0
[2023-03-08 17:33:44.844] [app_logger] [debug] has_feature: feature_id = 1
[2023-03-08 17:33:44.844] [app_logger] [debug] has_feature: feature_data->valid = 0
[2023-03-08 17:33:44.844] [app_logger] [debug] has_feature: feature_id = 4
[2023-03-08 17:33:44.844] [app_logger] [debug] has_feature: feature_data->valid = 0
[2023-03-08 17:33:44.844] [app_logger] [debug] has_feature: feature_id = 2
[2023-03-08 17:33:44.844] [app_logger] [debug] has_feature: feature_data->valid = 0
[2023-03-08 17:33:44.844] [app_logger] [debug] has_feature: feature_id = 1
[2023-03-08 17:33:44.844] [app_logger] [debug] has_feature: feature_data->valid = 0
[2023-03-08 17:33:44.844] [app_logger] [debug] has_feature: feature_id = 4
[2023-03-08 17:33:44.844] [app_logger] [debug] has_feature: feature_data->valid = 0
[2023-03-08 17:33:44.844] [app_logger] [debug] has_feature: feature_id = 2
[2023-03-08 17:33:44.844] [app_logger] [debug] has_feature: feature_data->valid = 0
[2023-03-08 17:33:44.844] [app_logger] [info] Logged in
[2023-03-08 17:33:44.844] [app_logger] [info] Set OPAL_PREFIX to /home/abalasub/Working/Cubit/Coreform-Cubit-2021.4/bin/mpi
[2023-03-08 17:33:44.844] [app_logger] [info] Set OPAL_LIBDIR to /home/abalasub/Working/Cubit/Coreform-Cubit-2021.4/bin/mpi/lib
[2023-03-08 17:33:44.844] [app_logger] [info] Set OPAL_BINDIR to /home/abalasub/Working/Cubit/Coreform-Cubit-2021.4/bin/mpi/bin
[2023-03-08 17:33:44.845] [app_logger] [info] Python version 0 selected
[2023-03-08 17:33:44.845] [app_logger] [info] Looking for Python
[2023-03-08 17:33:44.845] [app_logger] [info] Python version 2 libname is /home/abalasub/Working/Cubit/Coreform-Cubit-2021.4/bin/././python2/
[2023-03-08 17:33:44.846] [app_logger] [info] Python not already initialized, initializing
[2023-03-08 17:33:44.846] [app_logger] [info] Setting program name to ./coreform_cubit
[2023-03-08 17:33:44.846] [app_logger] [info] Application directory is /home/abalasub/Working/Cubit/Coreform-Cubit-2021.4/bin/./.
[2023-03-08 17:33:44.846] [app_logger] [info] python_lib path: /home/abalasub/Working/Cubit/Coreform-Cubit-2021.4/bin/././python2/./
[2023-03-08 17:33:44.846] [app_logger] [info] python_dir: /home/abalasub/Working/Cubit/Coreform-Cubit-2021.4/bin/././python2/.
[2023-03-08 17:33:44.846] [app_logger] [info] Found embedded python
[2023-03-08 17:33:44.846] [app_logger] [info] PYTHONHOME set to /home/abalasub/Working/Cubit/Coreform-Cubit-2021.4/bin/././python2
[2023-03-08 17:33:44.856] [app_logger] [info] Version 2 interpreter found
[2023-03-08 17:33:44.856] [app_logger] [info] Cubit python initialized
[2023-03-08 17:33:44.856] [app_logger] [info] Starting broker
[2023-03-08 17:33:44.856] [app_logger] [info] Passing control to MachineControl
[2023-03-08 17:33:44.858] [app_logger] [debug] Dealer::restore_settings: loading QSettings from : /home/abalasub/.config/Coreform/Cubit.ini
[2023-03-08 17:33:44.858] [app_logger] [debug] Supervisor::Impl::load_plugins: Loading plugins from QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath : /home/abalasub/Working/Cubit/Coreform-Cubit-2021.4/bin
[2023-03-08 17:33:44.858] [app_logger] [info] Loading plugin from path /home/abalasub/Working/Cubit/Coreform-Cubit-2021.4/bin
[2023-03-08 17:33:44.860] [app_logger] [info] Attempting to load: libcubitcomp.ccl
[2023-03-08 17:33:44.860] [app_logger] [debug] ClaroPlugin::load: loading: /home/abalasub/Working/Cubit/Coreform-Cubit-2021.4/bin/libcubitcomp.ccl
[2023-03-08 17:33:44.862] [app_logger] [error] dlopen error: /home/abalasub/Working/Cubit/Coreform-Cubit-2021.4/bin/libcubitcomp.ccl cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
[2023-03-08 17:33:44.862] [app_logger] [error] Error loading component libcubitcomp.ccl:
Error loading component:

[2023-03-08 17:33:44.862] [app_logger] [info] Attempting to load: libflexcomp.ccl
[2023-03-08 17:33:44.862] [app_logger] [debug] ClaroPlugin::load: loading: /home/abalasub/Working/Cubit/Coreform-Cubit-2021.4/bin/libflexcomp.ccl
[2023-03-08 17:33:44.870] [app_logger] [error] dlopen error: /home/abalasub/Working/Cubit/Coreform-Cubit-2021.4/bin/libflexcomp.ccl cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
[2023-03-08 17:33:44.870] [app_logger] [error] Error loading component libflexcomp.ccl:
Error loading component:

Kind regards,

Looks like that’s our error. Even without the user interface, we do require some standard X libraries, specifically these ones:


You should be able to install all of these from apt using the above keys.

Hi Scott,
With these libraries installed, it works OK without GUI. There seems to be display related issues when executed in a conventional manner without the options for a cubit prompt.

abalasub@K1066:~/Working/Cubit/Coreform-Cubit-2021.4/bin$ ./coreform_cubit &
[4] 11402
abalasub@K1066:~/Working/Cubit/Coreform-Cubit-2021.4/bin$ [2023-03-09 11:56:09.543] [app_logger] [info] Using gui
[2023-03-09 11:56:09.543] [app_logger] [error] No X display detected
[2023-03-09 11:56:09.543] [app_logger] [error] No display found, not falling back
[2023-03-09 11:56:09.567] [info] RLM session initialized
[2023-03-09 11:56:09.567] [app_logger] [debug] RLM Diagnostics at 03/09/2023 11:56

RLM version: 14.1BL3
RLM platform: x64_l1
OS version:

ISV name: csimsoft
Hostname: K1066
User: abalasub
Working directory: /home/abalasub/Working/Cubit/Coreform-Cubit-2021.4/bin


    RLM_LICENSE=<not set>
    RLM_NO_UNLIMIT=<not set>
    RLM_PATH_RANDOMIZE=<not set>
    RLM_PROJECT=<not set>
    RLM_QUEUE=<not set>
    RLM_ROAM=<not set>
    RLMSTAT=<not set>
    HTTP_PROXY=<not set>
    csimsoft_LICENSE=<not set>

RLM hostid list:

    7f0101 dacc71218440 000000008440 000000008440 00155dc689b0 0242fad9fa37 ip= ip=

License files:

rlm_init() parameters:
1: /home/abalasub/Working/Cubit/Coreform-Cubit-2021.4/bin/licenses
2: /home/abalasub/Working/Cubit/Coreform-Cubit-2021.4/bin/coreform_cubit

Local licenses which can be checked out:

Client Cached Licenses (only the highest version # shown):


In license file /home/abalasub/Working/Cubit/Coreform-Cubit-2021.4/bin/
      (customer "ukaea" server at:


Roaming Licenses:


[2023-03-09 11:56:10.042] [app_logger] [debug] Pushing fid: 1, trelis
[2023-03-09 11:56:10.042] [app_logger] [debug] Pushing fid: 4, trelis_core
[2023-03-09 11:56:10.042] [app_logger] [debug] Pushing fid: 2, trelis_fea
[2023-03-09 11:56:10.042] [app_logger] [debug] Pushing fid: 3, trelis_cfd
[2023-03-09 11:56:10.501] [app_logger] [debug] Feature trelis status: 0
[2023-03-09 11:56:10.806] [app_logger] [debug] Feature trelis_core status: 0
[2023-03-09 11:56:10.959] [app_logger] [debug] Feature trelis_fea status: 0
[2023-03-09 11:56:11.111] [app_logger] [debug] Feature trelis_cfd status: 0
[2023-03-09 11:56:11.112] [app_logger] [debug] has_feature: feature_id = 1
[2023-03-09 11:56:11.112] [app_logger] [debug] has_feature: feature_data->valid = 0
[2023-03-09 11:56:11.112] [app_logger] [debug] has_feature: feature_id = 4
[2023-03-09 11:56:11.112] [app_logger] [debug] has_feature: feature_data->valid = 0
[2023-03-09 11:56:11.112] [app_logger] [debug] has_feature: feature_id = 2
[2023-03-09 11:56:11.112] [app_logger] [debug] has_feature: feature_data->valid = 0
[2023-03-09 11:56:11.112] [app_logger] [debug] has_feature: feature_id = 1
[2023-03-09 11:56:11.112] [app_logger] [debug] has_feature: feature_data->valid = 0
[2023-03-09 11:56:11.112] [app_logger] [debug] has_feature: feature_id = 4
[2023-03-09 11:56:11.112] [app_logger] [debug] has_feature: feature_data->valid = 0
[2023-03-09 11:56:11.113] [app_logger] [debug] has_feature: feature_id = 2
[2023-03-09 11:56:11.113] [app_logger] [debug] has_feature: feature_data->valid = 0
[2023-03-09 11:56:11.113] [app_logger] [info] Logged in
[2023-03-09 11:56:11.113] [app_logger] [info] Set OPAL_PREFIX to /home/abalasub/Working/Cubit/Coreform-Cubit-2021.4/bin/mpi
[2023-03-09 11:56:11.113] [app_logger] [info] Set OPAL_LIBDIR to /home/abalasub/Working/Cubit/Coreform-Cubit-2021.4/bin/mpi/lib
[2023-03-09 11:56:11.113] [app_logger] [info] Set OPAL_BINDIR to /home/abalasub/Working/Cubit/Coreform-Cubit-2021.4/bin/mpi/bin
[2023-03-09 11:56:11.114] [app_logger] [info] Python version 0 selected
[2023-03-09 11:56:11.115] [app_logger] [info] Looking for Python
[2023-03-09 11:56:11.115] [app_logger] [info] Python version 2 libname is /home/abalasub/Working/Cubit/Coreform-Cubit-2021.4/bin/././python2/
[2023-03-09 11:56:11.119] [app_logger] [info] Python not already initialized, initializing
[2023-03-09 11:56:11.119] [app_logger] [info] Setting program name to ./coreform_cubit
[2023-03-09 11:56:11.120] [app_logger] [info] Application directory is /home/abalasub/Working/Cubit/Coreform-Cubit-2021.4/bin/./.
[2023-03-09 11:56:11.120] [app_logger] [info] python_lib path: /home/abalasub/Working/Cubit/Coreform-Cubit-2021.4/bin/././python2/./
[2023-03-09 11:56:11.120] [app_logger] [info] python_dir: /home/abalasub/Working/Cubit/Coreform-Cubit-2021.4/bin/././python2/.
[2023-03-09 11:56:11.120] [app_logger] [info] Found embedded python
[2023-03-09 11:56:11.120] [app_logger] [info] PYTHONHOME set to /home/abalasub/Working/Cubit/Coreform-Cubit-2021.4/bin/././python2
[2023-03-09 11:56:11.135] [app_logger] [info] Version 2 interpreter found
[2023-03-09 11:56:11.136] [app_logger] [info] Cubit python initialized
[2023-03-09 11:56:11.136] [app_logger] [info] Starting broker
[2023-03-09 11:56:11.136] [app_logger] [info] Passing control to MachineControl
[2023-03-09 11:56:11.139] [app_logger] [debug] Dealer::restore_settings: loading QSettings from : /home/abalasub/.config/Coreform/Cubit.ini
[2023-03-09 11:56:11.139] [app_logger] [debug] Supervisor::Impl::load_plugins: Loading plugins from QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath : /home/abalasub/Working/Cubit/Coreform-Cubit-2021.4/bin
[2023-03-09 11:56:11.139] [app_logger] [info] Loading plugin from path /home/abalasub/Working/Cubit/Coreform-Cubit-2021.4/bin
[2023-03-09 11:56:11.141] [app_logger] [info] Attempting to load: libcoreformcae.ccg
[2023-03-09 11:56:11.141] [app_logger] [debug] ClaroPlugin::load: loading: /home/abalasub/Working/Cubit/Coreform-Cubit-2021.4/bin/libcoreformcae.ccg
[2023-03-09 11:56:11.145] [app_logger] [error] dlopen error: /home/abalasub/Working/Cubit/Coreform-Cubit-2021.4/bin/libcoreformcae.ccg cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
[2023-03-09 11:56:11.145] [app_logger] [error] Error loading component libcoreformcae.ccg:
Error loading component:

[2023-03-09 11:56:11.145] [app_logger] [info] Attempting to load: libcubitcomp.ccl
[2023-03-09 11:56:11.145] [app_logger] [debug] ClaroPlugin::load: loading: /home/abalasub/Working/Cubit/Coreform-Cubit-2021.4/bin/libcubitcomp.ccl
[2023-03-09 11:56:11.387] [app_logger] [info] Supervisor::Impl::load_plugins: Loaded component: libcubitcomp.ccl from directory: /home/abalasub/Working/Cubit/Coreform-Cubit-2021.4/bin
Supervisor::Impl::load_plugins: Loaded component: libcubitcomp.ccl from directory: /home/abalasub/Working/Cubit/Coreform-Cubit-2021.4/bin
[2023-03-09 11:56:11.387] [app_logger] [debug] Registering plugin components
[2023-03-09 11:56:11.387] [app_logger] [info] Attempting to load: libcubitcompgui.ccg
[2023-03-09 11:56:11.387] [app_logger] [debug] ClaroPlugin::load: loading: /home/abalasub/Working/Cubit/Coreform-Cubit-2021.4/bin/libcubitcompgui.ccg
[2023-03-09 11:56:11.395] [app_logger] [info] Supervisor::Impl::load_plugins: Loaded component: libcubitcompgui.ccg from directory: /home/abalasub/Working/Cubit/Coreform-Cubit-2021.4/bin
Supervisor::Impl::load_plugins: Loaded component: libcubitcompgui.ccg from directory: /home/abalasub/Working/Cubit/Coreform-Cubit-2021.4/bin
[2023-03-09 11:56:11.395] [app_logger] [debug] Registering plugin components
[2023-03-09 11:56:11.395] [app_logger] [info] Attempting to load: libflexcomp.ccl
[2023-03-09 11:56:11.395] [app_logger] [debug] ClaroPlugin::load: loading: /home/abalasub/Working/Cubit/Coreform-Cubit-2021.4/bin/libflexcomp.ccl
[2023-03-09 11:56:12.006] [app_logger] [info] Supervisor::Impl::load_plugins: Loaded component: libflexcomp.ccl from directory: /home/abalasub/Working/Cubit/Coreform-Cubit-2021.4/bin
Supervisor::Impl::load_plugins: Loaded component: libflexcomp.ccl from directory: /home/abalasub/Working/Cubit/Coreform-Cubit-2021.4/bin
[2023-03-09 11:56:12.006] [app_logger] [debug] Registering plugin components
[2023-03-09 11:56:12.041] [app_logger] [info] Attempting to load: libflexgui.ccg
[2023-03-09 11:56:12.041] [app_logger] [debug] ClaroPlugin::load: loading: /home/abalasub/Working/Cubit/Coreform-Cubit-2021.4/bin/libflexgui.ccg
[2023-03-09 11:56:12.072] [app_logger] [info] Supervisor::Impl::load_plugins: Loaded component: libflexgui.ccg from directory: /home/abalasub/Working/Cubit/Coreform-Cubit-2021.4/bin
Supervisor::Impl::load_plugins: Loaded component: libflexgui.ccg from directory: /home/abalasub/Working/Cubit/Coreform-Cubit-2021.4/bin
[2023-03-09 11:56:12.072] [app_logger] [debug] Registering plugin components
[2023-03-09 11:56:12.280] [app_logger] [debug] Pushing fid: 1, trelis
[2023-03-09 11:56:12.280] [app_logger] [debug] Pushing fid: 4, trelis_core
[2023-03-09 11:56:12.280] [app_logger] [debug] Pushing fid: 2, trelis_fea
[2023-03-09 11:56:12.280] [app_logger] [debug] Pushing fid: 3, trelis_cfd
[2023-03-09 11:56:12.280] [app_logger] [debug] has_feature: feature_id = 4
[2023-03-09 11:56:12.281] [app_logger] [debug] has_feature: feature_data->valid = 0
[2023-03-09 11:56:12.713] [app_logger] [debug] has_feature: feature_id = 3
[2023-03-09 11:56:12.713] [app_logger] [debug] has_feature: feature_data->valid = 0
[2023-03-09 11:56:12.713] [app_logger] [debug] has_feature: feature_id = 2
[2023-03-09 11:56:12.713] [app_logger] [debug] has_feature: feature_data->valid = 0
[2023-03-09 11:56:12.751] [error] No X display detected
[2023-03-09 11:56:12.764] [app_logger] [debug] has_feature: feature_id = 2
[2023-03-09 11:56:12.764] [app_logger] [debug] has_feature: feature_data->valid = 0
[2023-03-09 11:56:12.764] [app_logger] [debug] has_feature: feature_id = 3
[2023-03-09 11:56:12.764] [app_logger] [debug] has_feature: feature_data->valid = 0
[2023-03-09 11:56:12.764] [app_logger] [debug] has_feature: feature_id = 10
[2023-03-09 11:56:12.764] [app_logger] [debug] has_feature: feature_id = 8
[2023-03-09 11:56:12.764] [app_logger] [debug] has_feature: feature_id = 2
[2023-03-09 11:56:12.764] [app_logger] [debug] has_feature: feature_data->valid = 0
[2023-03-09 11:56:12.764] [app_logger] [debug] has_feature: feature_id = 3
[2023-03-09 11:56:12.764] [app_logger] [debug] has_feature: feature_data->valid = 0
[2023-03-09 11:56:12.764] [app_logger] [debug] has_feature: feature_id = 10
[2023-03-09 11:56:12.765] [app_logger] [debug] has_feature: feature_id = 3
[2023-03-09 11:56:12.765] [app_logger] [debug] has_feature: feature_data->valid = 0
[2023-03-09 11:56:12.767] [app_logger] [debug] has_feature: feature_id = 3
[2023-03-09 11:56:12.767] [app_logger] [debug] has_feature: feature_data->valid = 0
[2023-03-09 11:56:12.770] [app_logger] [debug] has_feature: feature_id = 2
[2023-03-09 11:56:12.770] [app_logger] [debug] has_feature: feature_data->valid = 0
[2023-03-09 11:56:12.770] [app_logger] [debug] has_feature: feature_id = 3
[2023-03-09 11:56:12.770] [app_logger] [debug] has_feature: feature_data->valid = 0
[2023-03-09 11:56:12.781] [app_logger] [debug] has_feature: feature_id = 3
[2023-03-09 11:56:12.781] [app_logger] [debug] has_feature: feature_data->valid = 0
[2023-03-09 11:56:12.781] [app_logger] [debug] has_feature: feature_id = 2
[2023-03-09 11:56:12.781] [app_logger] [debug] has_feature: feature_data->valid = 0
[2023-03-09 11:56:12.795] [app_logger] [debug] has_feature: feature_id = 2
[2023-03-09 11:56:12.795] [app_logger] [debug] has_feature: feature_data->valid = 0
[2023-03-09 11:56:12.795] [app_logger] [debug] has_feature: feature_id = 3
[2023-03-09 11:56:12.795] [app_logger] [debug] has_feature: feature_data->valid = 0

Probably i may be required to install certain drivers that can fix this issue. Let me know your suggestions.
Kind regards,

This is our error this time. If you run sudo apt-get install libasound2 that should get you the library. If you’re still getting errors, search for “No such file or directory” in the output and google how to install the library at the beginning of that line.We package all non-standard libraries, the only libraries you’ll need to install are standard linux libraries you can readily find from apt.