"Copy mesh curve" issue

I am using Coreform Cubit 2023.11 on Windows.
When I copied the curve mesh on to another circlle,
the mesh is not properly copied as shown in the attached png.
Does anyone know how to solve it?

import cubit

cubit.silent_cmd('create surface circle radius 1 zplane ')
id = cubit.get_last_id("body")
cir1 = cubit.body(id)

cubit.silent_cmd('create surface circle radius 1 zplane ')
id = cubit.get_last_id("body")
cir2 = cubit.body(id)
cubit.move(cir2,[2.1, 0, 0.0])

cubit.silent_cmd('create surface circle radius 0.5 zplane ')
id = cubit.get_last_id("body")
cir3 = cubit.body(id)
cir4 = cubit.copy_body(cir3)

body = cubit.subtract([cir3], [cir1], imprint_in=True, keep_old_in=False)
cubit.silent_cmd('merge all')

cubit.silent_cmd('mesh surf 2 3')
cubit.silent_cmd('copy mesh curve 1 onto curve 2 source vertex 1 target vertex 2')
cubit.silent_cmd('mesh curve 2 ')

Hello @ksugahar,
i could replicate this problem and already informed the devs.

I don’t have a solution to fix this with some optional parameters.

But you could copy the curve with the mesh and create the surface afterwards with the copied curve.

cubit.silent_cmd('Curve 1 copy move x -2.1')
cubit.silent_cmd('create surface curve 4')


A quick coincidents check reveals that the nodes will match this way.

move Surface 4  location surface 3  include_merged 
topology check coincident node curve all tolerance 1.0e-6 draw brief result group