Command to merge nodes that satisfy a tolerance criteria?

I have generated surfaces which share some edges. After meshing and doing ‘Quality→Coincidence Check’ I see there are coincident nodes created on the shared edges. I would like to quickly merge all such nodes. How to do this?

I could find a command to ‘merge node ID1 ID2’ but I want to do this programmatically through command and select nodes based on distance criteria to merge them.

Hi dvijay,

Welcome to the forum!

If you use the imprint/merge paradigm on the geometry prior to meshing, you normally don’t have to deal with merging nodes manually.

For example, here I create three surfaces that share a curve. I imprint and merge the surfaces and there are no duplicate edges in the model.

create surface rectangle width 1
body 1 copy move x 1 y .5
body 1 copy move x 1 y -.5
imprint all
merge all
mesh surface all
topology check coincident node surface all

I can give some other options if you really need nodal equivalencing, but this is the preferred way to handle this in Cubit.


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@karl thanks! this was helpful! :slight_smile: