I import a facet file of a surface into trelis. Trelis identifies 3 curves on the boundary of the surface. I try to combine the three curves into 1 and trelis crashes.
Here is the facet file: dropbox.com/s/ut5la2f16tse4 … facet?dl=0
My goal is to create a solid surface from this facet surface.
But meshing results in Negative jacobian and I think it is due to the bounding curves. So I am trying to get one closed bounding curve which I will mesh and then hope to get a map mesh on the surface.
The triangular elements in the facet file are not useful for meshing. They are arbitrary, highly distorted and will not be lead to a good mesh for flow simulation. I am using the facet file because that was the version exported by another software that trelis can read.
You may not need to convert the model to ACIS to get a good tet mesh. Try these commands. I get really high quality elements, except for a single tri on what was surface 3, which is still pretty good quality.
import facets “v2_H_PAI_FW.facet” feature_angle 135.00 merge stitch
composite create surface all keep angle 15
vol all scheme tetmesh
vol 1 size 500
set volume proximity layers off
set geometry approximation angle 15
set surface gradation minimum 1.3
set volume gradation minimum 1.3
set volume gradation minimum 1.3
mesh surface 5
quality surface all shape global draw mesh
I get errors on using “proximity,” “approximation”. Probably due to my 15.0 version. I have a Trelis license. Where can I get the latest version installer for Mac64?
Trelis>set volume proximity layers off
Parser unable to match Keyword Identifier ‘proximity’