Cannot export mesh file after local refinement

I refined my mesh around a node. Howoever the element type become UNKNOWN_ELEMENT_TYPE, which originally was HEX27. Here’s the file, I refined the node at the center.
ball_in_cube_AMR2.cub5 (1.1 MB)

Error when I exported the refined mesh.
Using ExodusII API version 8.03 and DB version 8.03 to export “G:/essay/J4-implicitRK+MatrixFree/paper/numerical_results/case1_SphereMultiscale/case1_ballincube_AMR.e”.
WARNING: The Exodus output format cannot output elements of type UNKNOWN_ELEMENT_TYPE
Skipping block 1
ERROR: Unable to build sequential node IDs (Invalid connectivity)
WARNING: Nothing to write.
ERROR: Could not export the data to a file.

I think the problem is solved. I must set the element type to HEX27 after mesh refinement, not before.

Setting the hex element after refining the mesh is the usual workflow.

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