Avoid creating vertices, line and surface when creating a volume

Coreform Cubit Version: insert version you are using (i.e. 2022.11)
Platform: insert platform, incl. version (i.e. Windows 11)

Hi everyone,

I’m creating an ellipsoid geometry using Cubit using the following code:

create sphere radius 0.1
volume 1 scale x 0.242216 y 0.121108 z 0.115053

However, Cubit ends up creating also a surface (connected by two vertices) which brings some problems when I try to further mesh this volume. I found that it is possible to get rid of unwanted vertices using the command tweak (see Removing Vertices). However it doesn’t seem to work, as after following what is suggested in this tutorial, the vertices, the line and the surface are still there.

Any suggestion of how to avoid creating this vertices (plus line, plus surfacce)?

Thanks in advance,

i don’t think that you can avoid that.

You have to think about how the geometry is made up.

To define a volume you need surfaces that defines the volume.
To define a surface, edges/curves are needed that defines the surface.
To define a curve, vertices are needed.

Creating volumes will allways end up with creating underlying geometric entitities and Cubit will show you these underlying entities.