Analytical Surface or Curve

How do I model analytical surface e.g. rotating paraboloid?
I model it with other CAD software and import sat file into Coreform.
Is this the only way or are there any better solutions?

Frequently, it is more efficient to create geometry in a CAD package. If I want to do this in Cubit, I would create a python function and then fit a spline to vertices generated by the function.

I have numpy installed in my Cubit python and that simplifies the generation of a floating point range.

import numpy as np

def f(x):
   return .05* x*x

vertex_list = []

for x in np.arange(0, 10, .5):
   v = cubit.create_vertex(x, f(x), 0)

vertex_str = " ".join([str(v)  for v in vertex_list])
cubit.cmd( f"create curve spline vertex {vertex_str} delete")
cubit.cmd("sweep curve 1 yaxis angle 360")